Elizabeth Bell
Melbourne, Australia.
Email: elizabeth@elizabethbell.com.au
Web: www.elizabethbell.com.au
Select images from early days to up to current work.
Jill Orr: Bleeding Trees and 'Pain Melts'. 1979/80 photographed by Elizabeth Bell
Richard Boulez, 'Holeproof Reject Pieta'. Rankins Lane Melbourne, 1979 Elizabeth Bell
Who has ever hears The Nude speak?
Tea Towels d'Art
There was a push to introduce food irradiation in the 80s and public sentiment was strongly against it.
A link to Elizabeth Bell: Art, The Gaze and Ovarian Temple by Flow Artists Podcasts. In essence, this interview is a conversational summary of my interests, my work, my philosophy.
The current era is that of Yoga, Mirror Drawings & The Amulet Project